Friday, January 21, 2011

Pay It Forward

I promise to send something handmade to the first FIVE people who comment on this post. There is one condition - if you are one of the first five to comment, you must then post this and promise to send something homemade to FIVE other people. Just imagine all the great ideas that are going to be passed through our Snail Mail System.

To sum it up, the rules state that it must be something handmade or homemade by YOU and you must send to FIVE people within 2011. I promise I won't wait until December to send it. This time line just makes this promise more fun since the deadline isn't unrealistic for us busy crafters.

I also promise that if you do comment on this post and you are a person that I normally send birthday or holiday cards to, those cards won't count towards this "Pay It Forward Promise".

You can email me your address to


  1. I love this idea!!! I've lost my crafting mojo lately, but should get it back before the end of the year!!! :)

  2. Hi Donna...I love to get hand made cards in the mail and I will pay it forward!

  3. Thank you Linda for taking part in this fun venture. Please email me your mailing address to

  4. What a wonderful idea...I am hoping I can be one of the irst five to the idea ;). Email:
